FPBGSA Fillmore Basin GSP Public Review Draft Text With Figures No Appendices
FPBGSA Fillmore Basin GSP Public Review Draft Appendices A J
FPBGSA Fillmore Basin GSP Public Review Draft Appendices K L
Appendix A 2017-06-01 Fillmore Piru JPA
Appendix B1 FPBGSA Stakeholder Communications and Engagement Plan V8 approved on 2-20-20
Appendix B2 FPBGSA Guiding Principles Approved on 11-21-19
Appendix C1 FPBGSA Public Meetings on GSP Development
Appendix C2 Response to Comments Subsidence Preliminary Draft Technical Memoranda
Appendix C3 Stillwater GDE Comment Matrixv4
Appendix D Fillmore and Piru GDE Tech Appendix V2
Appendix E1 UWCD OFR 2021-01 Ventura Regional Groundwater Flow Model Expansion
Appendix E2 UWCD 2021 June Technical Memorandum Future Modeling Documentation GSP Support
Appendix F 2020-08-06 F-P Subsidence Tech Memo PUBLIC REVIEW DRAFT
Appendix G OFR 2020-02 Summary of Prior Investigations, P F SP Basins FINAL
Appendix H1 Fillmore Water Budgets
Appendix H2 Fillmore Water Budget
Appendix I1 Fillmore Projected Water Budget
Appendix I2 Fillmore Projected Water Budget
Appendix J SMC Draft Tech Memo 2021-08-02
Appendix K 2020 FPBGSA Moni Program Data Gaps Tech Memo Sept 2020 Draft Final with Appendices
Events Calendar
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