“Foster a thriving small-town atmosphere in which civic pride, personal well-being, and a balanced economy are nurtured and protected.”
The current era of Fillmore is filled with many shifts in the economy both within and surrounding the City. Citrus orchards have given way to row-crops, avocado orchards and a new facile agriculture that changes crops more quickly in a global market. Nursery stock has also grown around the town.
The central business district offers two blocks of diverse retail and professional services. New senior housing opportunities in the central business district allow for the vision of walkability for those living close to downtown. Getting supplies, getting to a doctor, having access to a restaurant or four, close by are all amenities that have been realized in the central downtown.
Looking to the highway 126 corridor, new business, diversification of, and a growing improvement in levels of services allow locals and those passing through, a growing pallet of options for food, supplies, and services. The recent removal of blighted buildings and new construction on the 126 corridor and throughout town is but one indicator of Fillmore on the move.
New housing and retail spaces continue to be built, with apartments, single family residential, mixed-use residential/retail and office/retail either under construction, nearing completion or, open for business.
Opportunities to participate in this era of Fillmore abound. We are open for business. Please contact the City by email by clicking here Economic Development or call (805) 524-1500.
Fillmore, The Last Best Small Town In Southern California!!